Electrical power lines
We offer detailed full-scale engineering for electrical power lines of medium voltages (6kV, 15kV, 20kV), high voltages (110 kV) and highest voltages (220 kV, 400 kV) covering:
- geological, geodesical and legal documentation related to location of lines - up to building permit,
- economical and technical studies and designs for installation of cables associated with optical fibers,
- steel structures' engineering and testing (poles, towers, masts)
Particularly we do offer:
- location and feasibility studies,
- tender documentation for line investments realization,
- building and execution design documentation for overhead and cable lines as well as as-built
- designs for telecommunication and observation towers and masts,
- geodesical works related to the location, construction execution and reconditioning of lines,
substations, towers and masts,
- creating legal documentation and civil actions until build permit is granted,
- author's supervision.
We offer detailed full-scale engineering and technical design documentation for telecommunication systems covering:
- telecommunication systems in the power sector,
- economic and technical studies as well as designs of optic fiber lines' and nets' fit with
teletransmission equipment
Particularly we do offer:
- PDH and SDH optical teletransmission and teleprotection devices,
- telemechanics supervision units in the facilities and dispatching centers,
- radio teletransmission devices with antenna systems,
- devices in power-line carrier telephony,
- teletechnical underground infrastructure, metal and optic fibre cables with legal documentation,
- LAN and WAN computer network, structural cabling system
- AC and DC guaranteed supply devices,
- PABX systems DECT cordless communication, telephone installations,
- installations for access control, microwave barriers, intrusion detection and emergency systems,
supervisory television systems,
- wire broadcasting,
- author's supervision.
We offer detailed engineering and technical design documentation for substations of medium voltages (6 kV, 15 kV, 20 kV), high voltages (110 kV) and highest voltages (220 kV, 400 kV) covering:
- full-scale design documentation for electrical power substations of all voltages based on CAD system,
- geological and geodesical documentation related to location of substations, until building permit is
- design documentation of large facilities located on substation permises,
- design documentation of telecommunication systems in electric power structures,
Particularly we offer:
- location and feasibility studies,
- tender documentation for substation investment realization,
- building and execution designs and as-built documentation for power substations,
- designs of reconditioning and modernization of substations in scope as above,
- engineering of substation parts,
- geodesical works related to the location, construction execution and reconditioning of substations,
- formal-legal coordination of documentation until the build permit is granted,
- author's supervision.
Renewable energy
We offer detailed full-scale engineering services and technical design documentation covering:
- complete formal and legal service of the investment (wind and photovolatic power generation) at each step
of its implementation until the build permit is granted,
- development and preparation of construction documentation for wind farms up to even 230 wind turbines,
- documentation collection in order to receive the decision on environmental conditioning of the permit to
execute the project,
- preparation of environmental impact reports,
- development of the documents required to receive the decision on location of public purpose investment,
- development of the local development plan concept and administrative procedures' service,
- location settlements,
- preparation of expert reports on connection to power grid,
- engineering of connections to electrical power grid,
- consulting and engineering services during execution of designs.
We do offer execution of full-scale design documentation for non-traction railway infrastructure, covering:
- solving collisions of powerlines and power structures with designed railway layout,
- lighting,
- power supply for light signaling as well as for devices and buildings connected with operation of railway
In particular we do offer:
- designs of construction and re-construction in scope of LV, MV, and HV power network
- building and execution designs of telecommunication installations
- execution designs of power installations
- execution designs of collision removal (reconstruction of existing infrastructure)
- designs of intelligent safety management, CCTV platforms, monitoring, video analysis
We do offer execution of full-scale design documentation for road infrastructure, covering:
- solving collisions of powerlines and power structures with designed road layout
- street and road lighting
- power supply for crossroads light signaling as well as for devices and buildings connected with operation
of road infrastructure
In particular we do offer:
- designs of construction and re-construction in scope of LV, MV, and HV power network
- designs of construction and re-construction in scope of teletechnical network
- designs of construction and re-construction of teletechnical and power devices (substations, switchgears)
- designs of communication systems along roads and highways
- designs of measurement systems
- designs of intelligent safety management, CCTV platforms, monitoring, video analysis